Registration Now Open for the 2012 Young Filmmakers Workshop
By age sixteen, Steven Spielberg (Jaws, E.T. the Extraterrestrial, Raiders of the Lost Ark) was already shooting films and screening them at his local movie theater. Such an opportunity seems unattainable for a young filmmaker which is why the NH Film Festival’s Young Filmmaker Workshop is so special. This signature, major weekend-long event is part film school, part film race, matching aspiring filmmakers with each other under the guidance of industry professionals in the production of original works screened with fanfare during the NH Film Festival’s closing ceremony. Registration is now open for young people ages 14 to 18. The cost is $150. Space is very limited. The workshop begins Friday evening at the opening ceremony (until 8:30pm), Saturday (9am to 8:30pm), Sunday (9am to 7:30pm). Countless program alumni have gone on to studying film in college and beyond. The weekend is led by John Herman (writer/director of 2012 NH 48HFP Best Film, Best Director, Audience Choice award winning film, Coming of Age).
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