Bring Them Home | New Hampshire Film Festival Skip to content

Bring Them Home

  • Documentary,
  • English,
  • 86 Minutes,
  • United States
  • Friday, October 18


    The Music Hall Lounge

  • Sunday, October 20


    Moffatt-Ladd House

  • Director: Ivan MacDonald, Ivy MacDonald, Daniel Glick
  • Producers: Lilly Gladstone, Melissa Grumhaus, Sarah Clarke, Daniel Glick, Ivan MacDonald
  • Screenwriters: Ivan MacDonald, Daniel Glick
  • Starring: Lily Gladstone

BRING THEM HOME/AISKÓTÁHKAPIYAAYA chronicles a decades-long initiative by members of the Blackfoot Confederacy to bring wild buffalo (Blackfeet: iinnii) back to the Blackfeet Reservation. A thriving wild buffalo population would not only reconnect Blackfeet with a central part of their heritage, spirituality and identity, but would provide economic opportunities and healing for the community.