2004 Accepted Films
The Amazing Floydini: Brent Sterling Nemetz
Baptists at our Barbeque: Christian Vuissa
The Fallen: Ari Taub
A House Divided: Mike Amato
Intervention: Anton Evangelista
The New Voice of Fenway Park: Scott Hancock
Packrat: Kris Britt Montag
The Pursuit of Pleasure: Maryanne Galvin
Shoot the Moon: E.S. Wochensky
Voices from the Heart: Michelle Bailey
Winning New Hampshire: A Portrait of the 2004 Democratic Primary: William Rabbe, Mark Lynch, Aram Fischer
The 100% Perfect Girl: Gregory Bourdeau
Call Me: Michael C. Nicholas
Dirty Dingo: J.P. Disciscio
End of the Season: Greg Loser
Every Morning: Eliza A. Mitchell
Gay By Dawn: Jonathan London
Girls’ Lunch: Alicia Witt
Granted: Dan Eckman
Musician For Hire: Eric Green
Off Islanders: Andrew Ritchie
Office Ninja: Matthew Johnston
Overtime: Frank Bochanski
The Parting: Jason Santo
The Raftman’s Razor: Keith Bearden
So Long Unhappy Times: Jacob Provencher
Super 7: Ballard C. Boyd
Thunder Road: Doug Stradley
Wages of Sin: Alfred Thomas Catalfo
Beat Box Philly: Warren Bass & Liz Goldberg
Flyaway: Danny Oakley
The Nightmare Stumbles Past: Roland Clements
Reflecting Pool: Stephanie Maxwell, Matt Constanza and Randall Hall