2010 Panel Videos | New Hampshire Film Festival Skip to content

2010 Panel Videos

The 10th Annual New Hampshire Film Festival was proud to present several professional development and educational opportunities on relevant subjects pertinent to the current state of independent filmmaking. Courtesy of sponsors AF Media and AV Technik, videos of these panels are available for download using the links below. For more information on the 2010 panels and panelists, visit the Workshops & Panels page of the NHFF website.

2010 NHFF Panel 1: Filmmaking in New Hampshire (250MB)
2010 NHFF Panel 2: Landscape of Documentary Filmmaking
2010 NHFF Panel 3: Distribution & Releasing in 2010
2010 NHFF Panel 4: Trends in Digital Cinematography
2010 NHFF Panel 5: A Conversation on Comedy in Film
2010 NHFF Panel 6: Filmmaker Awareness Building

Filmmaking in New Hampshire Excerpt
[flv:https://nhfilmfestival.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/Panel-2-short.flv 400 224]

Landscape of Documentary Filmmaking Excerpt
[flv:https://nhfilmfestival.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/Panel-1-short.flv 400 224]


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