5 Tips to Maximize Your Film Festival Experience
By: Melissa Stanwood, Zac Clancy
“This is the biggest New Hampshire Film Festival that we’ve had, and we’re so excited to get it underway. Today is dedicated to films, filmmakers, producers, and actors who are affiliated with New Hampshire. We can’t wait for everyone to come out and enjoy the festival!” – Nicole Galovski, NHFF Programming Director
Start your day at the NHFF 2013 Rule Boston Camera Headquarters at the Discover Portsmouth Center. Here you can pick up a program, learn about films, plan your weekend, and buy passes. All ticket and pass holders have access to workshops, panels, special events, and after parties. More information on the Discover Portsmouth Center can be found here.
1. Pull out your schedule and plan your day. Make note of your top choices, and fill in the rest of your day from there. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the venues. Feeling lost? Head over to the Discover Portsmouth Center, they’ll point you in the right direction!
2. Get to a panel. Here you can find industry professionals spilling their secrets. The educational component of NHFF is one of the festival’s highlights. Find a list of this year’s panels & panelists here.
3. Take time to enjoy some nourishment – after all, this is a festival. Did you know? Portsmouth has more restaurant seats than residents. We know how to eat and drink. Grab a Pocket Map at HQ for a full list of restaurant partners.
* Remember to swing by the Waterfront Hospitality Party at One Harbor Place from 12-3pm on Saturday for a sampling of local flavor.
4. Don’t get frustrated if something is sold out. Take this opportunity to dabble in something outside of your comfort zone. Take a chance on a documentary, a group of shorts, or Q&A session, you might come across something that opens your eyes.
5. Be sure to catch the awards ceremonies and receptions. We’re giving out a Lifetime Achievement award, NH specific awards, Granny Awards, and tons of others. The receptions and ceremonies are a great opportunity to connect with the artists and industry professionals behind these award winning films.
BONUS! The last and most important step – have a great time! Please share your favorite moments from your festival experience using the hashtag #NHFF.