Boy Upside Down to Make Its US Premiere at NHFF | New Hampshire Film Festival Skip to content

Boy Upside Down to Make Its US Premiere at NHFF

We couldn’t be more excited for the line-up of films at this year’s festival—and that a few of them are making their US Premiere, right here in Portsmouth!

Among the films making their debut, is Boy Upside Down.

Oliver, 11, (Esa Nikkilä) loses his parents in a car accident. He refuses to mourn and instead, starts investigating the cause of the accident. As he investigates, he meets Joonas (Kari Hietalahti), an alarm system salesman, and an unexpected friendship evolves. Over one summer Oliver also gets to know two extraordinary older men, Jaakko (Esko Salminen) and Rafu (Sulevi Peltola), who run an old cinema together. Despite the film’s gloomy starting point, it is a warm and positive survival story full of quick twists and turns, and proof that life goes on, even though sometimes the going gets tough.

See it here first—Friday night, 8:05pm at The Loft.


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