Pillow Talk | New Hampshire Film Festival Skip to content

Pillow Talk

  • Drama,
  • English,
  • 16 Minutes,
  • United States
  • Saturday, October 19


    St John’s Church

  • Sunday, October 20


    3S Artspace

Pillow Talk
  • Director: Mathilde Hauducoeur
  • Producers: Kinder Labatt
  • Screenwriters: Elizabeth O'Donnell, Annalisa Plumb
  • Starring: Elizabeth O'Donnell, Annalisa Plumb, Samuel Piland, Nick Turturro, Marc-Antoine Louis

After Margot fails to reenact moves from her self defense class with her boyfriend, she spirals about her best friend Cami’s confusing one night stand. Together, the two women process their experiences and finally feel seen.