Queen Of The Mold | New Hampshire Film Festival Skip to content

Queen Of The Mold

  • Horror/Thriller,
  • English,
  • 13 Minutes,
  • United States
    • Director: Lizzy Bryce
    • Producers: Leah Taub, Matt Fisher, Lizzy Bryce
    • Screenwriters: Lizzy Bryce
    • Starring: Becca Q. Co, Melissa Denize, Ken Sandberg, Susan Pasquatonio, Patrick Grizzard, Benjamin Curns, Frank Muni
    • Links: Twitter

    QUEEN OF THE MOLD follows Iris, a diet pill saleswoman, struggling to take up space. After Iris discovers an insidious mold, she can allow it to claim her freedom — or use it to become more powerful than she ever imagined.