Secret Mall Apartment | New Hampshire Film Festival Skip to content

Secret Mall Apartment

  • Documentary,
  • English,
  • 91 Minutes,
  • United States
  • Friday, October 18


    The Music Hall Lounge

  • Saturday, October 19


    Moffatt-Ladd House

Secret Mall Apartment
  • Director: Jeremy Workman
  • Producers: Jeremy Workman
  • Starring: Michael Townsend, Adriana Valdez Young, Colin Bliss, Andrew Oesch, Greta Scheing

In 2003, eight Rhode Islanders created a secret apartment inside the Providence Place Mall and lived in it for four years, filming everything along the way. Far more than just a wild prank, the secret apartment became a deeply meaningful place for its inhabitants—a personal expression of defiance against local gentrification, a clubhouse to coordinate artistic charity, and finally, a 750 square foot "F you" to The Man.