Women on the Water | New Hampshire Film Festival Skip to content

Women on the Water

  • Documentary,
  • English,
  • 45 Minutes,
  • United States
  • Thursday, October 17


    The Music Hall Lounge

  • Director: Haley McHatton
  • Producers: Tim Briggs
  • Screenwriters: Tim Briggs
  • Starring: Ella Byrne, Jillian Robillard, Laura Brown, Krystin Ward, Michelle Bancewicz, Lea Pinaud

In the male-dominated industry of fishing and aquaculture, women are breaking down barriers and forging their own paths to success. WOMEN ON THE WATER tells the stories of six women in New Hampshire who have overcome personal and societal challenges to establish themselves in lobstering, oyster farming, tuna fishing, and seafood distribution on their own terms. Discover what independence, determination, and grit look like for women making a name for themselves on the water in the Granite State.