John Herman Kicks-Off Young Filmmakers Workshop | New Hampshire Film Festival Skip to content

John Herman Kicks-Off Young Filmmakers Workshop

By age sixteen, Steven Spielberg was already shooting films and screening them at his local movie theater. Such an opportunity seems unattainable for a young filmmaker, which is why the NH Film Festival’s Young Filmmaker Workshop is so special. This signature, major weekend-long event is part film school, part film race, matching aspiring filmmakers with each other under the guidance of industry professionals in the production of original works screened with fanfare during the NH Film Festival’s Closing Ceremony.

Throughout the weekend, we’ll be introducing the participants of the Young Filmmakers Workshop, and sharing some of their experiences as they race to plan, shoot, and edit their film before its world premiere on Sunday night. It will be exciting, as we see the next crop of NHFF artists learn their trade! It is “the” can’t-miss opportunity for aspiring teenage filmmakers, as their love of filmmaking is able to come alive with coaching and real experience from John Herman and guest industry professionals.

John Herman is a commanding figure in the Portsmouth community, and as far beyond as Tokyo! Herman is a multi-talented media guru who has explored the avenues of music, writing, mentoring, improv comedy, and theater, in addition to film. He has made multiple appearances on TV and radio, and has won many awards including Best Film, Best Director, and Audience Choice Award for “Coming of Age” in the 2012 NH 48 Hour Film Project.

The weekend started with the students answering one simple, yet complex question – What makes a good film? To help answer this question the students attended the festival’s opening ceremonies and met with professional artists. They were challenged to meet with three artists and ask them what their favorite film is and what they believe makes a good film. The students then came back to their headquarters and boiled down the answers to the basic elements of a good film. The students’ challenge is to now use those elements to write, cast, shoot, and edit their own three minute film.

We chatted with some students and asked them what they hoped to achieve this weekend.

Andrew B. hopes to expand his communication skills. “I can visualize a shot, but I need practice turning those ideas into words.”
Tara H. wants to practice her filming skills, as she is shooting her own film next weekend.
Josh E. is an aspiring director and is excited to be back for his fourth year. This year Josh wants to improve his communication and directing skills.

Tomorrow students will have the opportunity to screen multiple shorts with private Q&As with the artists. They will also be meeting with industry professionals to learn about the different pieces of filmmaking, beyond shooting and acting.


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