NH Film Festival Returning This Fall Skip to content

NH Film Festival Returning This Fall

The 17th New Hampshire Film Festival is coming to historic downtown Portsmouth this October.

The four-day film festival—Oct. 12-15—will feature celebrity guests, filmmakers, movie premieres and much more.

NHFF Executive Director Nicole Gregg said this year’s festival will once again feature impressive programming, panels and workshops, not to mention several parties in the city’s finest bars, clubs and restaurants. Similar to years past, several historic and cultural venues throughout Portsmouth will play host to screenings, panels and workshops. Venue’s include The Music Hall, the festival’s main stage theater, as well as The Music Hall Loft, The Moffatt-Ladd House and 3S Artspace.

“We’re still several months out, but already the anticipation is beginning to grow,” said Gregg. “We’re working on bringing some incredible films from some incredibly talented filmmakers to Portsmouth this October.”

Festival headquarters will once again be located at the Discover Portsmouth Center. It is also the staging area for press conferences, photo shoots, and interviews throughout the festival, and the location for many of the festival’s panels and workshops. This year’s festival features The Provident Bank as the Marquee Sponsor and Portsmouth Chevrolet as Premiere Sponsor.

For more information, visit www.nhfilmfestival.com.









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