NHFF Documentary AMÉRICA is a Story of Love and Family Skip to content

NHFF Documentary AMÉRICA is a Story of Love and Family

On Saturday morning, 3S Artspace presented Américaa documentary that follows a young man who must put a halt to his life when his grandmother requires aid.

Directed and produced by Erick Stoll and Chase Whiteside, this film follows Diego, who’s uncle is put in prison under elderly neglect after his mother, América, falls from her bed and becomes injured.

Diego and his two brothers begin to care for América. They bathe her, feed her, help her go to the bathroom, and watch over her every day. It begins to become hard for the three young men to watch over her and eventually arguments begin to take place. Money becomes an issue as disagreements and conflicting ideas clash.

América proves to be an interesting and insightful documentary that highlights the struggles that family must go through when a loved one becomes old and feeble. Throughout the film, there are many heartwarming and humorous moments but it is not afraid to delve into the more somber side of reality that becomes inevitable in life for all.

Catch América again at the Moffat-Ladd House on Sunday, October 14th at 2:20 p.m.

By Josh King


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