NHFF makes Movie Maker's Top 50! | New Hampshire Film Festival Skip to content

NHFF makes Movie Maker’s Top 50!

Movie Maker’s 50 Film Festivals Worth the Entry Fee

We are thrilled to share that Movie Maker has listed New Hampshire Film Festival as one of the top ‘50 Film Festivals Worth the Entry Fee‘!

Movie Maker sized up hundreds of festivals from around the world. They were judged on “odds of acceptance, screener feedback, networking and press opportunities, quality of programming, value of prizes, acquisition potential, alumni interaction, quality of extracurricular events, and financial support for travel and accommodation.”

Here’s what they had to say about NHFF:

“Festival executive director Nicole Gregg quips, “We don’t think that when the city was settled in 1623, they had NHFF in mind, but the layout of downtown Portsmouth couldn’t be better suited for it.” The festival is often praised for its energy—its staff will even coordinate custom events for filmmakers who have materials to present beyond just their films.”

Head on over to Movie Maker to check out their write-up and some of the other festivals featured!



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