On the street with Director Kyle Turgeon

By: Molly Taaffe
I got a chance to sit down and chat with Kyle Turgeon, Director of the short Figments of a Father. Kyle is a NH native, and his film was featured yesterday in the festival’s New Hampshire Day and Night program. I asked what was on his must-see list for this year’s festival.
The Retrieval. The Music Hall, 2:20-3:50PM (see also, Sunday!)
William and the Windmill. The Provident Bank Screening Room at the Moffatt-Ladd House, 3:00-4:40PM
Saturday: The Truth About Emmanuel. The Music Hall, 6:15-7:50PM
Sunday: The Retrieval. Access Sports Medicine Screening Room at the Music Hall Loft, 4:15-5:45PM
Kyle has attended NHFF for several years now, and he said his most favorite part is: “I love the energy, it’s kind of addictive.” Figments wrapped up in April, and Kyle has been working on a National Geographic shoot between festivals. As for dining recommendations, so far he’s had a bacon blue cheese burger from The Press Room that he said was great.
Kyle has this advice for young filmmakers: “Get a 5D and shoot whatever you can. Get a crew together and try to be as professional as possible.”
Figments of a Father will be showing again in a block of shorts on Sunday at the KBW Financial Screening Room at the Seacoast Rep, starting at 4:40PM.