Second-Round Judging Yields Top Three Screenplays | New Hampshire Film Festival Skip to content

Second-Round Judging Yields Top Three Screenplays

Congratulations to the following Scribes who have emerged as the Top Three Screenwriters after our Second Round of Judging in the New Hampshire Film Festival’s 2010 Screenplay Competition:

Thad Halcli, “Last Exit This Galaxy”

Adam Meyer, “”The Other Side of the Wall”

Tim Steed, “Dance of the Spike”

In addition, an Honorable Mention is extended to James Lantz for his script, “Hide Fox.”

Round Three Judges have been sent the Top Three Screenplays and will determine the Winning Scribe for this year’s competition. Results will be announced during the NH Film Festival, October 14-17.

Thank you again to all who entered.


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