- Logo on at least 2 exterior NHFF venue banners
- Logo on interior signage at a special event
- Logo on the NHFF official website
- Logo in special “thank you” program page
- Looped brand logo at screenings
- Live & On-stage intro
- Full page ad placement in the official NHFF program
- 40 VIP passes; 50 Weekend passes
- Invitation to exclusive sponsor welcome reception
- A minimum of 15 Twitter, Instagram and Facebook posts
- Additional passes available at discounted rates for sponsors
- Invitation to all events
- Reserved Seating (up to 8 seats for up to 5 films)
- No line waiting, immediate entry
- Complimentary Cocktails (up to 8 at each film screening)
- Product samples in gift bags for filmmakers and special guests, plus 1 gift bag per sponsor
- Designated Festival Liason
- Company logo on NHFF official trailer
- 30 second commercial to be played before films at venue that you have naming rights to
- Option to give away swag/promo items prior to each screening
- Company description listed on mobile app “about our sponsor” section
- Banner ad on mobile app
- Back color full page ad in festival program
- Acknowledgment in all NHFF Press Releases
- Logo/acknowledgment in NHFF commercial television spot
- Logo listed on event passes