There is much more to the New Hampshire Film Festival than screening a hand-selected batch of excellent independent films. Some of the most fulfilling and memorable experiences happen when the projectors are turned off.
Most NHFF screenings include an opportunity for the film’s creator(s) to talk about his or her work and field questions from the audience. This is what truly sets the New Hampshire Film Festival apart from a traditional movie-going experience. It’s a time to break through the silver screen and learn about what went on behind the scenes in a very personal way.
In addition to these question & answer sessions, each year the New Hampshire Film Festival offers professional development and educational opportunities for filmmakers, screenwriters and interested film enthusiasts. NHFF prides itself on presenting several topical workshops, panel discussions and engaging conversations that range from purely professional for the established filmmaker to all-encompassing for even the freshest of amateurs. An annual staple of our film festival since its inception is the Young Filmmakers Workshop, a comprehensive, multi-day journey through filmmaking process for 14 – 18 year-olds.
It is also important to note that the New Hampshire Film Festival is not just about the art and business of filmmaking. It is also about socializing, networking and above all, fun! New Hampshire Night, Opening Night Ceremonies, after-parties, Closing Night and the awards ceremonies are all chances to let loose and meet new people that share a passion for movies. These events are what make the festival a memorable, rewarding weekend!