Submission FAQs | New Hampshire Film Festival Skip to content

Submission FAQs

The New Hampshire Film Festival (NHFF) is an international film festival event taking place each autumn over four days throughout the gorgeous seacoast town of Portsmouth, NH. Its mission is to inspire audiences with thought-provoking cinematic stories from visionary talents in independent filmmaking, and to provide a platform for emerging artists to advance their craft, engage with the community and promote to industry leaders.

When and where does the New Hampshire Film Festival take place?
The 23rd annual edition of the New Hampshire Film Festival will take place Thursday, October 16 through Sunday, October 19, 2025 in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

Where can I submit a film?
All submissions are accepted through FilmFreeway entry portal.

FilmFreeway will send an automated confirmation email once you have properly submitted your film with all required information and fees.

If you submit more than one film, each submitted film must have its own secure online link, completed submission form, entry fee, and supplemental materials.

When are the submission deadlines for NHFF 2025?
Film entries open in January each year. The NHFF 2025 has four deadlines to encourage film submissions through the calendar year for review. The latest possible deadline to enter a film for consideration is Friday, August 1. Our evaluations of the films accepted into competition are completed by Monday, September 1.

Early Submission Deadline: Thursday, May 1, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. ET
Regular Submission Deadline: Sunday, June 1, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. ET
Late Submission Deadline: Tuesday, July 1, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. ET
Extended Submission Deadline: Friday, August 1, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. ET

What are the submission categories and fees?
Submission categories include:

NHFF 2025 entry fees range generally from $27 to $75, based upon when you submit, if you have a FilmFreeway Gold Member discount, or if you are a student.

A detailed breakdown of our submission categories and fees can be reviewed on the Festival’s FilmFreeway page.

Do you offer submission fee waivers?
Yes, we offer a limited number of submission fee waivers. Please send a fee waiver request to programming[at] and include the film’s title, description, and trailer if available. Due to the volume of requests, emails are not responded to unless a fee waiver is issued.

Who is reviewing my submission?
The programming team reviews all submissions. We will watch your film in its entirety.

Is there a premiere requirement?
No. However, we will prioritize films that have not been publicly screened in New Hampshire, and films that are not publicly available online or on V.O.D. in the U.S.

Can I resubmit a film from last year?
We allow filmmakers to resubmit updated versions (re-edited, significant changes,  remade) of their films. Please note in your cover letter these changes or edits. A new submission fee will be required.

Can I submit a rough cut of my film?
We do accept rough cuts, but we recommend not submitting until your film is complete, and we request that any missing elements be directly noted in your screener and in your cover letter. We will not review any new versions of your film received after our submission deadline.

Will you confirm when my submission has been received?
You will receive an automated email from FilmFreeway confirming receipt of your film. Please check your spam folder if you don’t receive it in your inbox. If you do not receive the confirmation email, you can email us at

When will I be notified whether my submission has been accepted or not?
We will email all submitters no later than September 15, 2025 with an email stating if the film has been accepted or not accepted.

Can I request feedback on my submission?
Due to the volume of submissions, we are unable to provide direct notes or feedback.

What is New Hampshire Day & Night?
NHFF’s annual NH Day & Night program is dedicated to presenting films shot on location or set in New Hampshire; or which have filmmakers, producers, or actors from New Hampshire. This year’s New Hampshire Day & Night occurs on Thursday, October 16, 2025.

Are there awards or cash prizes?
Yes! There are 21 awards that NHFF bestows. For full awards and prizes information, please visit here.

Can a film win multiple awards?
Yes, a film can win multiple awards for which it is eligible.

Is NHFF an Academy Award® Qualifying Festival?
Yes, the New Hampshire Film Festival was named an Academy Award® Qualifying Festival for the Short Film Awards by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences beginning with the Festival’s 20th annual edition. Short films that receive the Festival’s Animation Shorts Jury Award, Documentary Shorts Jury Award or Live Action Shorts Jury Award may now qualify to enter the Short Films competition for the concurrent Oscar® season. Recipients of these qualifying festival awards will be eligible for consideration in the Animation Short Film, Documentary Short Film and Live Action Short Film categories of the Academy Awards® without the standard theatrical run, provided the films otherwise comply with the Academy rules.

I have more questions not answered here. Who can I email?
Please contact our programming team at with any further inquiries.