The Last Poker Game: The End of the Road Leads to Brand New Beginnings
Friday afternoon the New Hampshire Film Festival welcomed The Last Poker Game on the 3S Artspace screen.
The drama, which is directed by award winning Dr. Howard Weiner, produced by Eddie Rubin, Marshall Johnson and Peter Pastorelli, follows a Dr. Abe Mandelbaum as he and his wife Molly move into Assisted Living Facility, Cliffside Manor. With the cast consisting of Oscar-winning Martin Landou, award winning Paul Sorvino, and Maria Dizzia, the audience was consistently up with laughter.
While Dr. Abe Mandelbaum (Martin Landou) moves into his new home where he befriends Phil (Paul Sorvino), a man with three loves; gambling, woman, and baseball. As a nurse mends the friendship, a search for answers begins while the men are nearing the end of the road.
The Last Poker Game successfully portrays the comedies and grief that occur in the day-to-day life of an assisted-living home.
By Madison Krasko