Young Filmmakers Workshop: The language of direction - standby, roll, action, cut! | New Hampshire Film Festival Skip to content

Young Filmmakers Workshop: The language of direction – standby, roll, action, cut!


By: Molly Taaffe

The Young Filmmakers Workshop kicked off during the opening ceremony Friday night. Read about the workshop in last night’s post here.

Since the workshop is only two and a half days long, keeping ideas realistic is challenging. YFW Director John Herman says, “they’re artists, they have a vision,” and his goal is to help guide them to be successful. His breadth of experience both with the YFW and within the industry allows him to steer his students in the right direction in their ideas and their execution.

In this accelerated workshop, students started Saturday morning off by meeting with industry professionals for screenings and private Q&A sessions. Zachary M. said the session was “information-rich” and that it really, “put me in the mindset of the process of making a film.” Tara H. found the Q&A session with Tara Price, ‘Another Grace and Johnny Adventure: Zombie Island!’ particularly helpful. Price has experience acting and producing; playing many different roles within a film, something Tara H. will be doing next weekend when she shoots her own film.

Saturday afternoon and evening the students will write their screenplay, and Sunday they shoot and edit. All of this action will take place in time for screening Sunday at Closing Ceremonies.

The YFW opens doors for many aspiring filmmakers, giving them experience with the different roles in filmmaking, and many of them go on to study film at the post-secondary level. YFW alumna Emily Montplaisir participated in the workshop for 2 years, and her involvement inspired her to pursue film as a career. “It helps with time management, professional development, and shows you how the real film industry works. I feel like I learned so much in the workshop, almost as much as I learned my first year as a Film Major in college.”


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